Play with the Moon: tune into your inner wisdom & Intuition
Discover the hidden wisdom of the Moon that she shares with you monthly.
Learn how to track the moon, practice moon rituals, develop schedules based on the moon and increase your creativity and productivity.

Join Us for this Month's Astrology Workshop
First quarter moon is the perfect time to take action on your feminine journey! Join us as we embark on a mystical adventure for your curious spirit that is craving connection with the moon and her wisdom.
Snag your spot now for the third workshop in this series: Working with Eclipse Cycles. Expect to learn about eclipse cycles, working with the archetypes of each pair of eclipses over time, and how to survive eclipse season.
Join us over Zoom!
If you can’t make it live, this workshop will be recorded and available for purchase after March 10, 2025.
Meet Your Teacher
I’m Athena, an astrologer and coach who helps people align to the natural cycles so they can craft more vibrant lives using astrology and their intuition.

What You'll Learn in this series of workshops:
- Working with the archetypes of each zodiac sign
- How to work with moon cycles
- Inner child healing and support
- Clarity on your daily moods
- How to leverage the moods of the moon for creativity
- How to use the moon phases for productivity
- Manifesting with moon rituals
How this Works
It’s easy to sign up and join in the fun as we learn how to play with the moon every month!
- Click the register button and choose a workshop below
- Pay for your spot
- Read the confirmation page instructions
- Prepare for the workshop
- Hop on Zoom for the workshop
- Have fun and learn more about the moon in class!
- Your favorite writing utensil
- Moon journal or plain journal
- your favorite coloring materials (crayons, colored pencils, markers, etc.)
- smart phone with astrology app with birth chart pulled up or printed birth chart (get yours here)
Upcoming Workshops
March 2025
Learn how the semi annual eclipses have been playing out in your life and discover how to “predict” the themes of upcoming eclipses. We’ll cover the current eclipse cycle, the 6 different axes, and how to retroflect on past eclipse series in your life for future predictions.

April 2025
Discover how adding divination tools such as tarot or oracle readings to your self care or weekly moon rituals can deepen your connection with your intuition. The Moon will be our guide in this interactive workshop, where you’ll learn the types of divination, the basics of oracle reading, and how to tune into your own intuition to “read” the cards you pull in a reading.

May 2025
Leo is all about tuning into that inner child! For this first quarter moon in Leo, let’s play with the archetypes and learn how to set up systems to play with the moon in our daily lives. Each sign has its own flavor and when the Moon puts on that costume, we are inspired to play or be in a different way. Discover how to leverage her moodiness in your daily habits, creative projects and work tasks.
Future topics
- Moon Play as self care
- Inner child healing and support
- How to leverage the moods of the moon for creativity
- How to use the moon phases for productivity
- Manifesting with moon rituals
Got questions? I’ve got you. See below for some frequently asked questions about these workshops.
The workshops will be progressive and added on to each month. Astrological basics such as zodiac signs, the elements and modes of being with a focus on the moon. Layers of practical use will be added to hone in on the month’s topic. Moon phases, cycles and how each planet (mainly the moon) expresses the archetypes of the zodiac and how studying the moon and her cycles can assist in the understanding of how those same cycles are being played out in the macrocosm of the Universe.
I use Whole Sign Tropical houses and traditional rulers in all of my work. I find this is the easiest way to learn astrology and how to play with the moon.
Beginners are welcome! The only thing you need to know is your birth information to pull your own chart. Intermediate and advanced astrologers are all welcome as well, though my level of knowledge is still intermediate. We can all learn from each other in this safe and curiosity-inducing space.
Astrology can help you by offering you insights to how the energies that we are all swimming in are likely to affect you personally. When you know what is coming energetically, you can plan/prepare your space and schedule to handle what may come. With this knowledge, you can feel empowered to take on the ebbs and flows of life.
Because workshops are considered a service, there are no refunds. Please read the terms of service here: Moon & Craft cancellation policy
The workshops will be lecture-style with hands on activities and hot takes (quick mini readings of attendees charts to illustrate the lessons in a real way.)
Absolutely! I want this to be a safe learning environment for all, so questions are welcomed and encouraged. We are all learning together!
Each month will present a theme that may or may not require materials. I ask that you bring your favorite writing utensils and paper or a journal to take notes in addition to the worksheets provided.
Previous Workshops for purchase

Moon Play:
Getting Started with Moon Tracking
Discover how to leverage the wisdom of the Moon as she guides us through her monthly cycle. Includes a brief overview of astrology including the 12 signs, 4 elements, 3 modalities, traditional planets, phases and cycles of the moon, and how to document the Moon’s movement through the signs each month as it relates to your personal development.
- Workshop Video
- Houses Worksheet Download
- 2025 Moon Sign Calendar Download

Moon Play:
Working with Moon Cycles and Rituals
Learn how to set up a system to track the moon’s cycles and discover the wisdom she shares with you each month. Craft a moon ritual and method that is personalized to your birth chart and zodiac signs. We’ll cover the monthly cycle, the annual cycle and the longer lunar gestation cycle.
- Workshop Video
- Moon Phases + Moon Calendar Worksheet Download
- Following the Light of the Moon Worksheet Download
- Bonus Lesson: How to calculate your creative days

Want to personalize your Self care?
Get your Self Care by Moon Sign guide. This is a free guide crafted to inspire your personalized self care routine that empowers and nourishes you inside and out.
Plus, you’ll be added to the Free Moon Play Community Monthly Moon Memo sent out on the Sun’s ingress.