Have you ever thought of planning a quarter using astrology? It’s actually a really cool way to align one’s life and business with the energy of the cosmos. You can use the Astro Craft Your Quarter Quarterly Planning Template. Electing an event or series of events based on the movement of the planets and their relationships with each other within those movements is called electional astrology.
In order to plan with the wisdom of the cosmos, one has to believe that the energetics involved in the cosmic weather play a part in how we feel, think and act. Basically, you have to believe in astrology and the meaning that ancient astrologers gave to each sign and planet based on their lived experiences and data. I can’t explain how astrology works, it just does—like MAGIC!
If you are curious and want to learn how the cosmic weather can affect the date you selected for your wedding or other important life event, or the day you are launching a new offer, you’re in the right place.
But how does one plan a quarter using astrology? I’m going to show you how with the Astro Craft Your Quarter. A free downloadable template that you can use to plan your next quarter.
What is a Quarterly Plan with Astrology and Why Does it Matter?
If you are new to astrology, you may not even be aware that there are energies swirling around us everyday. I like to think that the planets have big energies that can affect us and our actions or decisions here on Earth. The moon is one example. She changes signs every 2-3 days making her moody AF. And you know what? That energy affects us.
In my experience, I’ve noticed which zodiac archetypes are best for working and which are not. For example, I’m not going to get a lot of work done when the moon is in Taurus. Especially if it’s a Friday. Too much Venus inspires me to indulge in pleasure over work. Knowing how zodiacal energies affect you is a game-changer.
When using astrology to create a quarterly plan, you are electing to use the harmonious energies to amplify your pursuits. You can also acknowledge that the more difficult energies can hamper your experience and avoid planning big events or launches during those times.
For example, it‘s best to plan your wedding day on a day when Venus is ruling the sky. At the very least, when the moon is in Taurus, or Libra and some help from Jupiter. In this example, there will be love and beauty in the air. People will be inspired to luxuriate and celebrate the good things in life. However, if you ended up choosing a day when Mars or Aries energy was prominent, there could be fights or aggressive behavior that could ruin the event.
There are many layers to this kind of planning, which I will explain in more detail in the video below. I will also share how to use the template to plan your next quarter. Make sure to download your copy and print it to follow along.
Free Quarter Planner Template
Get ready to elevate your planning experience with this exclusive template – a celestial journey that aligns your goals and intentions with the magic of astrology!

How to Plan with Astrology-Quarterly Planning Template

Astro Craft Quarterly Planning Template Steps
- Print template
- Big Picture for the year
- Fill in your wheel of the year
- Monthly overview
- Monthly pages
- Quarter Plan
- Add Special Days
- Fill in Your Calendar
- Celebrate and move forward!
Print Astro Craft Your Quarter Template
This template is sized for US letter. If you have a discbound planner, you can easily punch the short side and insert into your planner and fold down the middle. This template is printer friendly and won’t use too much ink.
Big Picture for the Year
This page is for annual planning. You can put all of your annual events like birthdays, anniversaries and obligations already agreed upon here. I also like to put the cosmic weather here so I can have a sense of which energies might make certain more challenging or supported.
Wheel of the Year
This is where it might be confusing. The Solar year is based on the zodiacal signs and seasons that relate to them. In the consensus calendar, we start the year on January 1, in the dead of winter. People make big plans and goals when we should really be resting in the Fertile Void and getting ready for Spring to make plans and take action.
You can start your year in the consensus way, or by your Solar Return (birthday). Consensus will begin the year at the 10th house in Capricorn season, which is December 21-January 20. Solar Return begins in the 4th house. So the “summer” of your year is 6 months after your birthday. In my case, I am completely opposite a Capricorn Solar Return. So my summer starts in December, and historically, I am the busiest and most creative at this time.
I’ve chosen to use my Solar Return to plan this year, simply to test which works better for me. So when everyone else was planning Q1, I planned Q3. We shall see how it shakes out!
Here you fill out the wheel with your house sign based on your chart, or if you’re doing consensus, just use the signs already on there. Those are the energies of the sun. You will need those later.
On the side, you can write out the energies of each month, or the signs, if you know them well enough. By knowing if a month is going to be Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable, you can see how the Sun will support or challenge your efforts. Cardinal is great for initiating, fixed for maintaining and Mutable for adjusting or changing things. Knowing the element is also helpful.
Monthly Overview
This is another annual page that can help you visualize your year. I added this for all my visual peeps so you can see which months are heavier or fuller than others. You may wish to switch some things around, if possible so that you don’t reach the end of a season feeling drained and burnt out.
I also add the big cosmic events here so I can see which months I might want to push harder or not depending on the support available from the cosmos.
There’s a space for notes on the side where you can add content ideas, event or launch ideas or any other notes you need to have available for when you fill out your calendar.
Monthly Pages
Here’s where we start to get granular. Add the cosmic energy and all projects, obligations, events or life stuff on the left side. You’re taking all the information from the previous sheets and distilling it down to your months. Pull an oracle card or two and fill out the rest of the worksheet.
I like to use Rebecca Campbell’s 2 card pull. Card 1 is the message that Spirit wants you to know, and card 2 is the baby step forward. It’s my favorite and I’ve been using it for a year now.
Repeat for each month of the quarter.
Quarter Plan
Now that you have committed to your intentions and goals, fill out the quarter plan worksheet with EVERYTHING on your plate.
Make sure to add your monthly/weekly obligations that you’re already committed to such as weekly content creation or batching, admin or maintenance tasks etc. Seeing your list of responsibilities that are already part of your life and business can help you pare down your goals.
Paring down my goals is something I have struggled with in the past because of my strong Cardinal energy and loving to start projects—amplified by Jupiter ruling my chart. I get lots of sparkly squirrels on the daily and need to temper my enthusiasm at times.
The list on the side is compact so that you don’t overwhelm yourself. Add the things that you really want to do each week, in addition to the things listed in the quartered sections to the left. This will help you to see how much can or can’t be accomplished in a week.
Special Days to Add
I’ve added a special bonus page for you to add more self love and self care to your plan. These should go into your calendar first, after you add the big cosmic events.
- Self Care Days
- Rest Days
- Play Days
- Cycle Start Days
- Date Nights
- Social Days
- Moon Phase Return Days
- Mercury Cazimis (They have a special message for you)
- No-go Days (hell no, I’m not working!)
My favorite new teaching has been learning that we are more fertile, or creative, near the time of our lunar phase return, which happens every month. To calculate this, you can use the free calculator at Astro Seek. I’ll do a workshop on this eventually. It is still new information that I learned from The Moon is My Calendar creator, April McMurtry.
Fill in Your Calendar
Here is where you get to take all this work and add it into your calendar. I am working on a business edition of the Moon Play Journal & Calendar at the moment, but you can use any calendar or digital tool that you like.
This is an important step for accountability and achieving those goals and aspirations. Make sure to do it!
Celebrate and Move Forward!
It’s time to celebrate the work you’ve done so far. You now have a plan that is aligned with the cosmos and your own energies to confidently move forward this quarter. Make sure that you add time to reflect on each month and the end of the quarter to show yourself how much you’ve done and experienced.
Success in Quarterly Planning With Astrology
Quarterly planning using astrology is an excellent way to gain more traction and create more space in your life and business. Using the wisdom and energies of the cosmos to propel you forward rather than working against them can help you if you’re trying to 80/20 your efforts. The more you practice this method, the better you’ll become at aligning with the flow of the Universe.
There are additional layers to add to this planning practice. These require more thought and explanation. I offer support to help you plan with these additional layers in the Moon Play Crafted tier. There will be workshops to help you implement these practical techniques into your life and business. Join the Moon Play Community today!
Free Quarter Planner Template
Get ready to elevate your planning experience with this exclusive template – a celestial journey that aligns your goals and intentions with the magic of astrology!