Moon Play e-newsletter
A newsletter for woo-curious women who are crafting a vibrant life and career/business in partnership with the wisdom of the cosmos.
Moon Play is here to uplift and empower you to grow and deepen your relationship with yourself and your natal gifts so that you can show up authentically and confidently in life and work.
Subscribe to Moon Play Moon Memos and unlock the wisdom contained in your birth chart through weekly or monthly emails highlighting the current cosmic energies delivered directly to your inbox
Meet Your Guide
Hey there! I’m Athena—moon witch, astrologer and designer/maker.
I inspire others to align their lives (and businesses) with the cycles of the moon and the stars.
Let me show you how to use the wisdom of the cosmos to plan so you can feel more ease and flow in life and work!

Monthly or weekly emails
Moon Play Moon Memo Monthly | Free
Monthly email delivered on the 1st of the month
Quarter plan template opt in
Moon Play Moon Memo Weekly | $4/mo
Discover how the moods of the moon affect you daily and weekly with in depth astrologizing of the week’s lunation.
Monthly email delivered on the 1st of the month
Quarter plan template opt in
Weekly Moon email delivered on Monday

The Details
Moon Play Free eNewsletter
New to my world? Let’s take it slow and easy…In the free plan, you get:
Moon Play Moon Memo Monthly email + quarter plan template opt in
Receive a monthly email with five things you need to know that month
Current Cosmic Energy
Monthly Moon Phase Dates
Mercury’s Movements
Big Cosmic Events
Moon & Craft Updates
The quarter plan template is delivered digitally. You can download from the confirmation page or from your welcome email. Preview the Moon Play Moon Memos.
If you are already receiving the free monthly newsletter and want more, keep reading.
Moon Play Moon Memo Premium Newsletter $4/MO
Curious how astrology and aligning with the cycles of the moon can help you live a life of ease, flow and joy? Subscribe to the premium Moon Play Newsletter.
Moon Play Moon Memo Monthly email + quarter plan template opt in
Receive a monthly email with five things you need to know that month
Current Cosmic Energy
Monthly Moon Phase Dates
Mercury’s Movements
Big Cosmic Events
Moon & Craft Updates
The quarter plan template is delivered digitally. You can download from the confirmation page or from your welcome email. Preview the Moon Play Moon Memos.
Weekly Moon Play Emails
Astrologically relevant email to support you in your becoming. I use storytelling to deliver the message that the cosmos wants you to know. Includes the Moon’s weekly ingresses (changing signs,) the weekly lunation including Moon Family dates (New, 1Q, Full or 3Q,) any major astrological events you need to know about and an Oracle card of the week reading.
If you are new to astrology and cyclical living, this is for you. Deepen your knowledge and understanding of astrology through weekly emails about the Moon and her conversations with other planets.
Subscribe by choosing your payment frequency below
Got questions? I’ve got you. See below for some frequently asked questions about this service.
Posts will include timely topics that center around the astrology of the week. As I learn more astrology, I will craft methods to apply the wisdom to your life. Storytelling using my personal experiences as they relate to the cosmic weather will drive the points home. There may be worksheets or printables created to help you understand the techniques and processes better. My focus is on applying cycles and techniques to create more space and time in your life to focus on the things you love to do.
I use Whole Sign Tropical houses and traditional rulers in all of my work.
Beginners are welcome! The only thing you need to know is your birth information to pull your own chart. Intermediate and advanced astrologers are all welcome as well, though my level of knowledge is still intermediate. We can all learn from each other in this safe and curiosity-inducing space.
Astrology can help you by offering you insights to how the energies that we are all swimming in are likely to affect you personally. When you know what is coming energetically, you can plan/prepare your space and schedule to handle what may come. With this knowledge, you can feel empowered to take on the ebbs and flows of life.
You are free to cancel your premium subscription at any time. Please note that if you cancel, you will receive the weekly missives until your month runs out. Moon & Craft cancellation policy