Working with Planetary Days can help you be more efficient and productive in your work and life. In this post, I’ll be sharing what each day’s vibe is and how to harness it every week. But what does working Planetary Days mean?
Let’s back up a little.
Did you know that the days of the week are actually based on astrology and the names of the planets? Some are obvious like Sunday and Monday, while Wednesday is like, what? If you’ve studied Spanish, Wednesday makes more sense as Miércoles or Mercury’s day.
The idea is that the energy of each planet is imbued in the day, so it makes sense to do Mars things on a Mars day rather than on a Venus day. But that’s getting a little ahead here.
If you’re here, you must believe in the idea that energy impacts everything we do, to some degree or another. As I’ve been working through my blocks and healing over the past few years, I have become more aware of when I am expending energy on pointless pursuits (out of energetic alignment,) and when I am really in flow and in alignment with the energies surrounding me.
Part of this is intentionality, and the other part is getting healing help from healers and practitioners. Here is the practical way to start aligning with energy. Make sure to check out the post about Moon days too so you can layer on the energy of the Moon in your planning and activities.
What are the Planetary Days?
The planetary days are the days of the week that are ruled by the energies of a particular planet. The ancient Greeks took the information about the earliest forms of astrology from the ancient Babylonians and translated it into what we know as astrology today. Mostly.
It was about the time that the Gregorian calendar was being developed and we could see only as far as Saturn. So they assigned a planet to each day of the week, and even to the hours, but we will get to that in another post. For now, just know that each day has the energy of a certain planet and that planet can help you get certain tasks done more effectively than others!
Sunday: Ruled by the Sun
Monday: Ruled by the Moon
Tuesday: Ruled by Mars
Wednesday: Ruled by Mercury
Thursday: Ruled by Jupiter
Friday: Ruled by Venus
Saturday: Ruled by Saturn
What do the rulers mean?
When I say a day is “ruled by” it simply means that the energy of that planet permeates the day. It is the King or Queen of that day, and you will benefit from aligning with the energy of that day in order to feel successful.
Here is the breakdown of each energy and what kinds of tasks you might want to do on those days.

Sunday: Ruled by the Sun
Make yourself proud today and express yourself. Shine brightly and do things that feel good. Replenish any energies that have been depleted and enjoy some self care.
Good for:
- Self Care
- Recreation
- Socializing (if it replenishes you)
- Spiritual pursuits
Not good for:
- Work
- Chores
- Not fun stuff

Monday: Ruled by the Moon
Confusion, moodiness, and changeability. Start your week strong with a plan, but be flexible. This is why Mondays feel like Monday.
Good for:
- Creative projects
- resting/nourishing self
- Nurturing others
Not good for:
- Meetings
- Detailed and focused work
- Planning

Tuesday: Ruled by Mars
Action and straightforward approaches. Plan to start projects or accomplish tasks that require focus. Assert yourself!
Good for:
- Starting new projects
- Long projects or tasks requiring focus and drive
- Tasks that require courage and willpower
Not good for:
- Appointments/meetings
- Resting/Self care
- Difficult conversations/meetings

Wednesday: Ruled by Mercury
Open communication and analysis. Plan for social communications and focused busy work.
Good for:
- Marketing/social media/networking
- Writing/speaking/recording
- Detail oriented tasks/analytics
Not good for:
- Meetings that require structure
- Rigid tasks/projects

Thursday: Ruled by Jupiter
The luckiest day of the week! Take chances, do something brave and fun today—Jupiter’s got your back!
Good for:
- Taking chances and doing things that require courage
- Socializing/networking/pitching
- Teaching/learning
Not good for:
- Not fun stuff
- Projects/tasks that require boundaries and discipline
- Serious work

Friday: Ruled by Venus
A day for pleasure, enjoyment, and fun. Schedule fun stuff for Fridays. Ever wonder why everyone is ready to dip out early on Fridays? Blame Venus.
Good for:
- Pleasure and entertaining activities
- Playing with and managing money
- Sensual experiences (lovemaking, eating, dancing, etc.)
Not good for:
- Tasks that require discipline
- Focus and attention to detail
- Hard work

Saturday: Ruled by Saturn
The day of responsibility. Plan for tasks that help organize, clean, or restore energies.
Good for:
- Setting boundaries and doing focused tasks
- Cleaning/organizing/housework/chores/errands
- Getting down to the nitty gritty
Not good for:
- Pleasurable activities
- Relaxing/resting
- Loose boundaries/plans
How to Use the Planetary Days
It can be overwhelming (and mostly unrealistic,) to plan your entire week around the energies of the days, but you can start with one day a week and see how it goes! I started small. I started by adding one task that was supported by the energy of the day.
When my love and I batched our podcast, we would only do it on a Wednesday, once a month. It was pretty successful except that the lawn maintenance guys would start their work right in the middle of recordings. Sometimes you just can’t win!
Starting small
Here are some ideas to help you implement this in your life:
- Add one task per week on a specific day that is a recurring task and see how it goes.
- Change a recurring weekly task to the most supportive day.
- Start a new habit on the most supportive day for that task.
- Go slow and give 2-3 months before adding more tasks.
- Try theme days (good for entrepreneurs) but use astrology to dictate the themes.
Once you get the hang of this, you will be amazed at how your schedule opens up and how much space you have for actually living.
I’m curious how you see this working in your life. Comment below and share your successes and challenges of applying this technique to your life.