Moon Play Moon Journal (MoJo)
A tool to develop a daily practice of checking in with you and aligning with the wisdom of the moon and the cosmos.
You love this idea and want to jump into this practice ASAP, but which one should you choose?
This guide is here to help you decipher which journal would be best to get you going.
First, there are the digital options to choose from. These are delivered by download to your inbox where you can print on demand. Then there is the physical version, for the non-crafty person. Let’s dive in and see which is right for you!
MOon JOurnal
Two digital bundles and two a la carte offerings to choose from to DIY your own Moon Play Moon Journal. You choose how deep you want to go in your spiritual practice with these curated sets.
Want the visual?
Check out the visual comparison of the Moon Play Journal below.
Moon Family Ephemeris 2025 $2
This is only the moon phases, with their corresponding moon families as part of the Lunar Gestation Cycle. It comes in a 2 page PDF ready to print, cut and punch. This is dated, so will need to be re-purchased each year for the new moon phases.
Note: This is included in the Moon Only Starter Bundle, Aspire Starter Bundle 2 and Annual Refill. Purchasers of a starter bundle will be notified when the next year is available for purchase.
Annual Refill 2025 $15
Minimalist monthly astrological planner and moon cycle ephemeris for 2024. Dated blank months, astro events, and moon phases, with their corresponding moon families as part of the Lunar Gestation Cycle.
Note: This is included in the Aspire Starter Bundle 2. Purchasers of a starter bundle will be notified when the next year is available for purchase.
Starter Bundle 1
Moon Play Moon Journal $7
Moon Ephemeris + Moon Ritual pages = Journal
The beauty of this offering is that it’s designed to get you started on a moon ritual practice in the easiest way possible. Hone in on the moon and her phases with the moon ritual pages.
I’ve also included the seasonal reflection pages so that you can cull the data from your weekly pages to reflect on seasons, whether they be a natural season, a business quarter, or a season of your personal solar year.
These are all undated pages, so if you miss some, you can start where you left off. You also have the choice to start with New Moon and Full Moon ritual only, or all four of the main phases. Decide what works for the season that you are in.
Also included in this set are the Moon Phases and the families as described in the lunar gestation cycle, discovered by Dietrich Pessin. This is a mini ephemeris of this year’s moon phases but also includes the dates of the corresponding moons in the family based on the longer lunar gestation cycle. You can look back at these pages over the course of the longer 27 month cycle and see how the story of the moon is playing out in your life.
Simply print what you need, when you need it. You can have this printed at a copy shop or print it yourself. Trim in half and bind how you choose. I prefer discbound to switch out pages easily. But this can easily be spiral bound at a copy shop.
Starter Bundle 2
Aspire Journal + Planner $27
Annual Planner + Moon Journal = Moon Play Aspire MoJo
This package allows you to deepen your moon rituals and practice by including daily pages to record a snapshot of you, your moods, and the happenings in your life to use for measuring during your weekly moon ritual and seasonal reflection times.
It includes everything in the first starter bundle but adds a planner aspect to it. You will have space to view the year as a big picture and the basic cosmic energies that are happening during those times. In addition to the daily snapshot, moon pages and the annual pages, you get the blanks for to-do lists.
The annual pages are dated and will need to be re-purchased each year.
Comparing Bundles
Sections | Moon Ephemeris | Annual Planner | Bundle 1 Moon Journal | Bundle 2 Journal + Planner |
Moon Phase Family Ephemeris | ||||
Dated Monthly Planner | ||||
Astro Events | ||||
Annual Overview Blank | ||||
Daily Snapshot | ||||
Moon Rituals | ||||
Seasonal Reflection | ||||
Annual Reflection/Planning | ||||
To Dos | ||||
Blank Dots |
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Done for you
Moon Play
Moon Journal
This is the ultimate Moon Journal and astrology planner to be gifted or used to deepen your own spiritual practice.
If you are not the DIY type, this is the journal you need. I print and construct this entire book, setting you up for a year of tuning into you, the moon and the wisdom you glean as you go through a year-long cycle.