How to Create a New Moon Ritual

Creating a ritual for the New Moon or Full Moon is a personal journey. It takes time and patience to develop a ritual that works for you that actually helps you on your spiritual journey. I’ve tried many different ways to practice moon rituals, and have finally settled on what works for me.
You may be here to learn how to use moon magic to manifest or simply to sync your life to the cycles of the moon. The tips and methods I share here can help you with both.
In this post, I’ll be sharing what a New Moon ritual can look like, how you can transfer that to every moon phase and tips on how to create your own moon rituals.
What is a New Moon Ritual, and Why Would You Want to Do it?
A New Moon ritual is a practice of creating a sacred container to set intentions for the next cycle of the moon, journal, meditate and communicate with your guides. It is also a time to reflect on the past cycle to decide what pieces of wisdom, lessons and knowledge continue with you on your journey.
Practicing a weekly or bi-weekly moon ritual can help you align with the cycles of nature so that you feel more peace, ease and fulfillment on a day to day basis. It can be the change you are looking for on your spiritual path. Moon rituals have a way of showing you what you need to know right now if you are feeling lost, or reminding you who you are and how you are supposed to be in the world right now.
Using the wisdom of the moon and her monthly journey through the zodiac can help you:
- Manage your emotions
- Focus on what’s important right now
- Show how the cosmic energies can support your journey
- Connect you with spirit and your inner child
Let me show you what I do in my moon rituals so you can craft your own.
How to Create a New Moon Ritual
The Moon’s Cycles
The moon takes 29ish days to go around the Earth. As she progresses, she goes through 4 main phases, with 4 more in between. Some Indigenous cultures believe she goes through a phase each day. For simplicity, I only do ritual on the big 4— New, first quarter, full and third quarter.
Each phase aligns with the cycles of creation and nature. Winter where the soil lies fallow or New Moon, the spring or first quarter when seeds are sprouting, summer or the Full moon when we see the manifestations, and fall, or the third quarter, when it’s time to celebrate the harvest and prepare for winter again.

The moon also travels through each zodiac sign every month. She spends 2 ½-3 days in each sign, giving us all a dose of the archetype of each sign to play with each month. This is why I say she is moody AF.
Because she is in a different sign for a short period of time every month, each phase falls in a different sign each month. Each of the 4 big phases happen about every week. So doing a weekly ritual is what I choose to do. I do also observe the other 4 parts of the phases, but I don’t practice rituals at those times. I simply honor the energy of each, e.g. resting on the balsamic moon.
Lunar Gestation Cycle
There is also a longer lunar cycle that is called the Lunar Gestation Cycle discovered by Dietrich Pessin. Her research supports a 36 month cycle in which the moon goes through the same sign around the same degree every 9 months. It’s called a Moon Family and is part of a bigger story. The moon and sun illuminate the journey through the creation of it.
Following this longer moon cycle in addition to the monthly moon cycle is helpful for longer term projects and manifestations. Using a moon ephemeris is helpful for knowing when and which moons are connected to each other.

Over time you will begin to see themes emerging in your life depending on the phases. You will also begin to feel empowered and more connected to your inner guidance. In my experience, I have felt a slowing of time. The days feel like they are longer and I languidly travel through time observing and appreciating more about life.
I created a moon journal and planner to help you align with the moon phases with daily pages to record a snapshot of your day, moon ritual pages for the 4 main phases, and seasonal pages for culminating each season and planning for the new season.
Use the monthly calendar pages in this journal to see the phases of the moon and their signs. You can choose to do ritual only on the new and full moons or all 4 phases.
A Simple Moon Ritual Example
I received guidance from Bronwyn Simons, predictive astrologer and kitchen witch, on setting up an altar to honor the 4 directions. I then layered on my moon journal practice and an oracle reading. Follow the instructions below to create your own New Moon ritual or take what works and add your own elements to create a personalized self care practice.

New Moon Ritual Supplies:
- tray
- dish of water
- feather or incense
- candle and lighter
- crystals
- Oracle or tarot cards
- Moon Play Moon journal
Setting up your New Moon Ritual
- Set up your altar according to the diagram above. Make sure to point it North.
- Light your candle, and call in your guides for protection in the energetic realms.
- Use the corresponding moon phase page for journaling and documenting your journey through the current moon family phases.
- Fill out the information at the top according to your birth chart. You can also use an app to help you with what the moon is activating in your natal chart.
- Make notes based on your daily snapshot pages if looking back to previous phases in the lunar gestation cycle.
- Pull oracle cards. I like to do a 2 card pull. One for spirit, one for a baby step. (from Rebecca Campbell)
- Reflect on the messages received. Set intentions (or make adjustments, show gratitude or release based on the phase energy) and journal.
- Repeat for each phase of the moon.
There are many more steps you can take within your own ritual. I do this because it takes 45-60 minutes each week, and that is enough time for my ritual and self care. Some weeks are more difficult than others to make time. But I always make time for at least 30 minutes. Do what works best for you. I have some tips on how to begin your moon rituals practice.
6 Tips and Reminders for New Moon Rituals
If you are new to rituals, or have no idea how to start, these are my best tips for making it into a self care habit that is easy to make time for.
- Start small, to avoid overwhelm.
- Start with only New Moon rituals. Then you can add each phase as you see fit.
- Don’t just take my word for it. Use this Moon Ritual exercise as a guideline to develop a practice that is uniquely you.
- Download iLuna to find out which sign the moon is in each day and watch her wax and wane each month.
- Download Time Passages or other astrology app for your chart and the activations of each lunation.
- Have fun with this, make it your own and enjoy the journey!
Developing a weekly moon ritual can be a deeply rewarding and sacred practice for your self love journey. Following the guidelines and tips above can help you on your journey. Just remember to have fun with it and craft your own experience with the moon. She has so much wisdom to share with you.